
Anyone for a game of copyright monopoly?

Here's a great article that highlights the class discussion (and more) about copyright:
The Purpose of Copyright

by Lydia Pallas Loren

It's from Open Spaces Quarterly

The article takes you back to the printing press and history of the monopolization of copyright, then moves on to the birth of censorship,etc., all as proof of a change from copyright's inital inception as a creative tool to today's misuse as a financial boon. I'll let you read the rest, but it's an easy-to-digest background for those of us who aren't entirely familiar with copyright in the past or the present and brings up a few fundamental questions to chew on. In the end, this author argues against time extensions for copyright owners.

I particularly like the the link between copyright owners and their ability to act as censor for the material--this is an area I'd like to hear more opinions and facts about.

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