
class blog

Being a new blogger, the role of the blog in this course has probably been different for me than for most of my classmates. The weekly posting requirement not only helped familiarize me with this blog but others as well. As for its specific role in this course, I used the reading responses to get a better understanding of the readings. And I used the various links (like the EFF link) to come up with an idea for my paper and to find information for my class presentation.

1 comment:

june cleaver said...

I agree with pb--this class has enabled me to step up and join the digital revolution. I have contributed to other blogs and learned quite a bit in return. thanks to Jon and Dan for helping me to set up an igoogle page--I love it! Now that I know what to do with "RSS feed" I feel so talented! I do think that a class blog promotes community between students and keeps everyone thinking about the readings throughout the week. This venue for communication is comfortable because it is so informal. We never went as far as text messaging jargon, but younger students might really find that kwl--lol--so it's going in my bag of teaching tricks.