
Anti-piracy lawsuits a drain on record companies

From the Tech Law Prof Blog:

“EMI has struck a deal with the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) for reduced membership rates. The organization represents music labels on an international basis. Venture capitalists took over the label some time back and threatened to leave the organization due to a lack of return on the membership fees, estimated at $250 million. Specifically, the cash that was paying for anti-piracy lawsuits was high compared to the result of not stopping piracy. Apparently EMI was not happy with the symbolism given the cost.”

What, so just throwing money at it doesn’t make it go away? And sooner or later you have to pay the piper?

Why not stop with the lawsuits, and the anti-piracy software, already? Start a positive outreach to the consumer: make a deal, compromise, even if it’s with the devil you think you know. Get over the breakdown of the old system and deal with the new.

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