
Why Does Charlie Rose Have a Black Eye?

This is just for fun, but I thought I'd share that I was worried about Mr. Charlie Rose when he appeared on my television with a shiner and a Bandaid on his forehead. I was watching a repeat of his original March 17th airing, and was surprised to find that 240,000 matches for "Charlie Rose black eye" appeared on Google within 24 hours. The latest is that he sacrificed his face while trying to save his new MacBook Air as he tripped in a pothole, but my favorite tongue-in-cheek speculation appears on Yahoo! Answers (http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080317204929AADtack). Our fellow bloggers are busy.

1 comment:

annaluna2369 said...

Thanks for writing about Charlie Rose! I went to his website. He stated that he fell into a pothole. Not only did thousands and thousands of people speculate about his black eye, I'm sure it gave him great exposure - free publicity. I confess, I did not know who Charlie Rose was until I searched for his black eye.