
Coldplay follows in Radiohead's Footsteps

Coldplay will make available - free - for one week only their new track "Violet" starting tomorrow. The album is entitled "Viva." They also have two dates for free concerts. Why only one week? I thought the idea behind making free music was for fans who couldn't afford to attend concerts or download music. Back in the day, that was the meaning of free music. Accessing free music today means that fans are pirates and the band provides a small slice as a marketing tool.


Benson said...

Huh. Looks like they're not doing much to shed that Radiohead Lite thing they have going after all.

ps - this is NOT a hipster knowitall post. I rock Coldplay often. Softly, of course.

annaluna2369 said...

I really like Coldplay, too. I felt disappointed! I rock the band often, too! My husband and I had the DJ spin Coldplay at our wedding.