
In Retrospect, A Cool Thing

My experience with blogs before this class was mostly in reading other people's blogs, which I'd always found a strange practice, sort of like reading other people's diaries. This, I suppose, is because that's how I'd always thought about them -- as public diaries. Obviously they are much more complicated than that, and, I now think, much more useful. I came to enjoy our class blog quite a bit, and I found it especially helpful as a place to sort out my responses to the readings -- which sometimes bordered on ranting, but which were always helped by reading what other people had to say. As an extension of the classroom, I think this was a great idea, and one that I will probably apply to my own classes. And given that my paper (which, yes, I also need to get to work on) is also about the blog phenomenon, I shall certainly pay more attention to them in the future -- who knows, maybe I'll even start my own. Okay, so that's really optimistic and unrealistic, knowing myself as I do, but you never know. I have friends who do it, and it certainly is good exercise. At the very least, I will keep my eyes open for what other people are doing in the blogosphere (a concept I still have some issues with).

Like others here, I somehow never got around -- or never worked up the courage -- to post elsewhere, but I think the more time I spend exploring the more comfortable that will get responding to what other people have to say. I will also agree with the comment that I sometimes posted here largely because I had to, which sometimes left me struggling to find something worthwhile to say. But on the whole I ended up really enjoying our class blog, and I do believe I will miss it.

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