
Thoughts on Blog

As others, I too had little experience with blogs before this class. In terms of this class, I found the blog very engaging because as I read through other's posts I was reminded of bits of the reading I had forgotten, or I made connections that I hadn't before. And, the weekly blogging requirement forced me to look for outside material to pull into our discussion--something that I might have done once or twice, but surely not weekly. This extra step led me to find many blogs of personal interest that I will continue to follow long after this class ends.

On a larger level, though, and I believe this was the most beneficial element of the blog, I have become familiar and comfortable with blogging and web 2.0. This is showing in the classes I teach, as I introduce new technology to my students and as my understanding of writing and composition has developed from a linear writer-to-reader approach to a much more circular writer-reader discussion.

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